Getting Started

Quickstarts for getting up and running with Agones

Quickstart: Create a Game Server

This guide covers how you can quickly get started using Agones to create GameServers.

Quickstart: Create a Game Server Fleet

This guide covers how you can quickly get started using Agones to create a Fleet of warm GameServers ready for you to allocate out of and play on!

Quickstart: Create a Fleet Autoscaler

This guide covers how you can quickly get started using Agones to create a Fleet Autoscaler to manage your fleet size automatically, based on actual load.

Quickstart: Create a Fleet Autoscaler with Webhook Policy

This guide covers how you can create a webhook fleet autoscaler policy.

Quickstart: Edit a Game Server

The following guide is for developers without Docker or Kubernetes experience, that want to use the simple-game-server example as a starting point for a custom game server.

Last modified September 30, 2019: Update of Docsy and Hugo to latest versions. (#1073) (33a3df24)