GameServerAllocation Specification

A GameServerAllocation is used to atomically allocate a GameServer out of a set of GameServers. This could be a single Fleet, multiple Fleets, or a self managed group of GameServers.

A full GameServerAllocation specification is available below and in the example folder for reference:

apiVersion: ""
kind: GameServerAllocation
  # GameServer selector from which to choose GameServers from.
  # GameServers still have the hard requirement to be `Ready` to be allocated from
  # however we can also make available `matchExpressions` for even greater
  # flexibility.
  # Below is an example of a GameServer allocated against a given fleet.
  # See: for more details
      game: my-game
      - {key: tier, operator: In, values: [cache]}
  # An ordered list of preferred GameServer label selectors
  # that are optional to be fulfilled, but will be searched before the `required` selector.
  # If the first selector is not matched, the selection attempts the second selector, and so on.
  # If any of the preferred selectors are matched, the required selector is not considered.
  # This is useful for things like smoke testing of new game servers.
  # This also support `matchExpressions`
    - matchLabels: green-fleet
    - matchLabels: blue-fleet
  # defines how GameServers are organised across the cluster.
  # Options include:
  # "Packed" (default) is aimed at dynamic Kubernetes clusters, such as cloud providers, wherein we want to bin pack
  # resources
  # "Distributed" is aimed at static Kubernetes clusters, wherein we want to distribute resources across the entire
  # cluster
  scheduling: Packed
  # Optional custom metadata that is added to the game server at allocation
  # You can use this to tell the server necessary session data
      mode: deathmatch
      map:  garden22

We recommend using metadata > generateName, to declare to Kubernetes that a unique name for the GameServerAllocation is generated when the GameServerAllocation is created.

The spec field is the actual GameServerAllocation specification, and it is composed as follows:

  • required is a label selector (matchLabels and/or matchExpressions) from which to choose GameServers from. GameServers still have the hard requirement to be Ready to be allocated from

  • preferred is an ordered list of preferred label selectors that are optional to be fulfilled, but will be searched before the required selector. If the first selector is not matched, the selection attempts the second selector, and so on. If any of the preferred selectors are matched, the required selector is not considered. This is useful for things like smoke testing of new game servers.

  • scheduling defines how GameServers are organised across the cluster, in this case specifically when allocating GameServers for usage. “Packed” (default) is aimed at dynamic Kubernetes clusters, such as cloud providers, wherein we want to bin pack resources. “Distributed” is aimed at static Kubernetes clusters, wherein we want to distribute resources across the entire cluster. See Scheduling and Autoscaling for more details.

  • metadata is an optional list of custom labels and/or annotations that will be used to patch the game server’s metadata in the moment of allocation. This can be used to tell the server necessary session data

Last modified August 25, 2021: Update the GameServerAllocation Specification to remove required/preferred (#2206) (b188fb72)